Specification of the Relationship between Psychological Empowerment and Curriculum Orientation of Female Students of Educational Science of Farhangian University

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Zahra Akbarzadeh,Ladan Salimi,Mitra Abrazeh,Fatemeh Safarizad and Zahra Jafari Kojoori


Present study is an attempt to investigate the relationship between psychological empowerment of students with curriculum orientation. This is an applied research and heuristic and in terms of data gathering method, it is survey type and quantitative. Since the researcher aims at exploring the extant relationships between research variables, it is as well of correlation type. Statistical population of present study consists of all students of Amol Farhangian University totaling 175 ones. Chochran formula was applied for estimating sample size, according to which the sample size was estimated 120 persons. Data gathering instruments include Spreitzer psychological empowerment questionnaire and Mahlios, Friedman-Nimz & Peyton questionnaire. To examine the validity of the questionnaire, face validity and content validity were scrutinized. In addition, Chronbach’s Alpha was referred to for defining the reliability of the research which was estimated 0.89 and 0.92 for empowerment questionnaire and curriculum orientation questionnaire, respectively. These values are indicative of questionnaire’s reliability. Data analysis was done both descriptively and inferentially. Accordingly, correlation coefficient test applying SPSS software was implemented. It was found out that there is a significant relationship between competence and curriculum planning orientation. On the other hand, no relationship was detected between trust and curriculum planning orientation. There is a significant relationship between the sense of effectiveness and curriculum planning orientation and the correlation coefficient was estimated 0.282 that demonstrates a positive and direct relationship. Last but not least, a significant relationship was revealed between sense of freedom and curriculum planning orientation

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