High Dynamic Range Receiver System Designed for High Pulse Repetition Frequency Pulse Radar

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Behrouz Kalate Meymari
Reza Fatemi Mofrad
Morteza Shahidi Nasab


Microwave receivers play a critical role in Pulse Doppler radars, particularly in airborne radars and air surveillance; and are extremely versatile; therefore their analysis and conceptual design is an important issue. The receiver should have high dynamic range given that it is linked with a wide range of signals in Pulse repetition frequency Pulse radars in term of input power; but we cannot use Sensitivity Time Control (STC) or Automatic Gain Control (AGC). Therefore, the current paper provides a new conceptual structure that yields high dynamic range (over 100 dB).

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How to Cite
Meymari, B. K., Mofrad, R. F., & Nasab, M. S. (2015). High Dynamic Range Receiver System Designed for High Pulse Repetition Frequency Pulse Radar. International Academic Journal of Innovative Research, 2(2), 28–47. Retrieved from http://iaiest.com/iaj/index.php/IAJIR/article/view/834