Reviewing Self-Adaptation Frameworks For The Implementation Of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

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Fatemeh Alviri
Shahedeh Farahmand Habibi


Increase of workload and management of complexities in an efficient way and maintaining that in different situations, lead attentions to adaptable and self-adaptive systems. The goal of this research is to choose the best self-adaptive framework present in this research to apply for enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Reviewing some self-adaptive frameworks and their outlines is the way of doing the research. Based on this research Rainbow framework is selected to be applied on the ERP system as it’s provided a context for developing other frameworks because of containing most major parts to develop a self-adaptive system. There are few and diffused studies on ERP adaptability so that this research tries to choose the best adaptable framework for ERP systems by gathering these issues.

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How to Cite
Alviri, F., & Habibi, S. F. (2015). Reviewing Self-Adaptation Frameworks For The Implementation Of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. International Academic Journal of Innovative Research, 2(1), 10–19. Retrieved from