Competencies Required in Heliculture by Retired University Lecturers in Post Oil Boom Economy

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Ndem J. U
Ogba, E. I


This research was conducted in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. The research adopted a survey research design. Four purposes of study guided the work with four corresponding research questions. The population of the study was 54 lecturers who specialized in animal husbandry in the higher institutions in Ebonyi State and staff of registered private farms in Ebonyi State. The instrument used to collect data was a structured questionnaire developed by the researchers. The instrument was validated by 5 experts in animal production and measurement and evaluation. The reliability of the instrument was determined by the adoption of Cronbach Alpha statistics which yielded the reliability coefficient of 0.901. The data collected were analyzed using mean with standard deviations. Based on the analysis of the data collected, it was discovered that the retired university lecturers require competencies in construction of snailrey, competencies in feeding of snail, competencies in management practices in hericulture, competencies in control of snail predators, parasites and diseases. Based on the findings of the research, the researchers recommended among others that the retired university lecturers should be made to attend conferences, seminars and workshop training on competencies needed to embrace snail rearing

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How to Cite
Ndem, J. U., & Ogba, E. I. (2017). Competencies Required in Heliculture by Retired University Lecturers in Post Oil Boom Economy. International Academic Journal of Innovative Research, 4(2), 39–46. Retrieved from