The relationship between shareholders attitude and acceptance of Islamic finance in listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange

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Mahnaz Hakiminia
Saman Ghaderi
Parastoo Sedaghat


The aim of this study is that the stakeholders in the Tehran Stock Exchange willing to accept Islamic finance as one of the methods of financing or not. This applied research as well as correlation studies there. The population of the Tehran Stock Exchange's shareholders which 410 were selected by random sampling available. To test the hypothesis using structural equation modeling with helpe LISREL software was used. The results show that the attitude of the shareholders to accept Islamic finance is positive. But religious beliefs shareholders on attitude toward Islamic finance was not significant. As well as knowledge and awareness, cost benefits and business support stakeholders' attitude towards Islamic finance were affected

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How to Cite
Hakiminia, M., Ghaderi, S., & Sedaghat, P. (2016). The relationship between shareholders attitude and acceptance of Islamic finance in listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange. International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, 3(1), 33–41. Retrieved from