Dealer Management System

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Dr.N. Baggyalakshmi
G. Brindha
Dr.R. Revathi


To keep track of all the things happening in the showroom, such as customer maintenance, generating quotations, selling vehicles, tracking customer dues for instalment customers, selling vehicle service and spare parts, keeping track of customer follow-ups, entering customer feedback forms, and employee details, a "Dealer Management System" needs to be built. The Developers behind the Dealer Management System used Visual Studio 2008 (with ASP.NET 3.5), Visual Basic for Windows, and Microsoft SQL Server Express 2005. Easy showroom maintenance is possible because to the system's efficient report generation. This Dealer Management System software can store a lot of records in the database. It’s a user-friendly software which can be used for master, service, sales and report. It has an unlimited storage and application can be used in both online and offline. Reports for billing can be generated by data wise or pricewise.

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How to Cite
Baggyalakshmi, N., Brindha, G., & Revathi, R. (2024). Dealer Management System. International Academic Journal of Science and Engineering, 11(1), 81–90.