Exploring the Socio-Economic Causes of Child Labor in Automobile Workshop in District Multan Punjab

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Azhar Sharif
Sana Mehmood
Mujeeb Ur Rehman


Child labor is deeply rooted and extremely extensive in Pakistan. The problem of Child Labour in District
Multan is quite high and abnormal. Various studies have shown that the large number of children in
different age group has been employed in various shops, like Cycle repair workshop, Cars work shop,
Motor bike work shop, Trucks work shop, mechanical and electrical workshop. Rickshaw workshop and
other places. This study explores the socioeconomic determinants of child labor in automobile workshops.
The key variables in the present study were child labor and poverty. The researcher used quantitative
method for survey research. The current research was conducted in District Multan, Punjab. Therefore,
child laborers were selected in the sampling frame equally. Snow ball sampling technique was adopted. A
total of 80 respondents were selected from different auto mobile workshops. This study was carried out in
District Multan(Pakistan) with an objective to find out the social and economic causes of child labor at
automobile workshops. The majority of the children were poor and they had no education or little
education. Their parents had little education and were poorly paid jobs, unemployed or deceased. In this
paper, the causes of child labor have been identified and measures to reduce this curse have been

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How to Cite
Sharif, A., Mehmood, S., & Rehman, M. U. (2018). Exploring the Socio-Economic Causes of Child Labor in Automobile Workshop in District Multan Punjab. International Academic Journal of Social Sciences, 5(1), 45–54. https://doi.org/10.9756/IAJSS/V5I1/1810005