Imposition of Punitive Order in Criminal Procedure-in Context of Kosovo

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Azem Hajdari


Punitive order represents one of the possibilities of criminal case resolution without having the need to
conduct the main trial. In Kosovo this instrument for the first time has been provided by the Criminal
Procedure Code of 2103. As such shall be applicable in cases of commission of light criminal offences
punishable by fine or imprisonment up to three years when evidences attached to criminal report prove
undoubtedly the fact of commission of criminal offence and its relation to the accused person and when
the request of state prosecutor for imposition of punitive order has been addressed through the filed
indictment to the competent court. Advantages of application of this instrument are numerous and
diverse, but mostly lie in terms of increasing criminal procedural effectiveness. This instrument of
criminal case resolution in Kosovo Basic Courts practice results to have been applicable in very rare
cases. Causes of this condition should be sought in the lack of experiences of judges working in Kosovo
courts concerning its application, but also in the lack of their proper professionalism.

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How to Cite
Hajdari, A. (2018). Imposition of Punitive Order in Criminal Procedure-in Context of Kosovo. International Academic Journal of Social Sciences, 5(1), 132–139.