Effect of group counseling with ilogotherapy approach on life Expectation and Life quality in the divorced women aging 20- 30 years old in yasouj city

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Paria Pezeshkpoor
Khosro Ramazani


This study aims to investigate effect of group counseling with logotherapy approach on life expectation
and life quality in the young divorced women aging 20-30 years old in yasouj city. Due to the relationship
between expectancy, life quality, and life style, investigation of the effectiveness of such method of
therapy on decreasing depression was considred as the second purpose of this study. This is an applied
study from the semi-experimental type (unequal control group design). By using purposive or available
sampling method, among those who came to yasouj courts, 60 people were chosen according to
considered criteria. They were divided into two control and experimental groups (30 people for each
group). Then, Miller's Life Expectancy tests and the World Health Organization Quality of Life
Questionnaire (WHOQOL- BREF) were administred to both groups. The results of Covariation analysis
from pre-test and post-test rvealed a significant difference for the effect of group counseling on physical
and psychic healthiness, and also on the social dimention of women's life quality. Finding indicated that
group counseling was not effective for the environment health and life expectancy of the divorced women
aging 20 to 30 years old.

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